Repair and Maintenance

Like every system in your dwelling the elctrical system needs maintaining and should be checked regularly to ensure it is still in good condition.
The recommendation is every 10 years for a standard home or 5 years for rented and multiple occupancy dwellings.
The more we maintain the less we have to repair later with the inconvienience that brings with it.
Finding a fault with cables buried in walls and all manner of equipment connected to the circuits is not a quick process and requires a lot of testing and knowledge of how things work.

By hiring an electrician who is registered as a Competent Person and Part P approved you can be certain that any new wiring will meet the latest standards and you will not have the hassle and expense of notifying the building control as this will be done for you. You will receive notification from the local authority confirming this as well as an Installation certificate, where the work required makes it necessary.

Please contact us to discuss your needs and to get a quotation.

Phone Brian on 07733104288
or email :brian@bslelectrical